We are closed due to financial government restrictions.
for children from 1,5 to 3 years old
The Toddlers’ Room is a place of learning for little children and their parents. The children can use from various topics and develop step by step their intelligence in their own rhythm. Parents will get valuable information for their daily life with the toddler and the prepared environment at home. This place is child centred.
The attentive and respectful behaviour towards children is the key issue of our attitude. Each child is seen individually and attended as necessary.
The foundations of the work with the children are given by insights of Dr. Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget, Dr. Emmi Pikler, Rebeca Wild, Heinrich Jacoby, Elfriede Hengstenberg and Katharina Martin.
The organisation is completely wrapped around the authentic needs of the children.
This institution is child-centred.
The curriculum in Toddlers’ Room includes the following areas:
gross motor exercises
fine arts
exercises of practical life
sensorial material (if development is ahead)
The pedagogues are Montessori-Trained, might have a bachelor-degree of more, will be supervised and have regular further training.