We are closed due to financial government restrictions.
Education for even small children!
This is what you will get here for your child. It is not common in Austria therefore we lay stress on that feature of our institution.
The fundament is the mindfull an respectful behaviour of the teachers towars the child. If a child feels well, her/his mind is able to tak in new things, is able to learn. We take care of that neurological fact individual for each child.
The work we do here is based on researches and experiences of Dr. Maria Montessori, Dr. Emmi Pikler, Rebeca Wild, Heinrich Jacoby, Elfriede Hengstenberg and Katharina Martin.
The organisation is completely wrapped around the authentic needs of the children.
The institution is child-centred.
The term “children’s house” was created by Dr. Maria Montessori. She called her institutions for children from 2.5 to 6.5 years „casa dei bambini“. Due to her material your child we be able to grasp concretely the learning matter of the Austrian elementary. We expanted the curriculum in fine art, music and exercises.
The topics are:
- Exercises
- Language: German, English
- Music
- Fine art
- Exercises of practical life
- Sensorial material
- Mathematic
A video: The clock
The pedagogues are Montessori-Trained, might have a bachelor-degree of more, will be supervised and have regular further training.